Delivering Results

Influencing and Persuading Others

At work, we frequently need to influence the behaviour and decision making of peers, reports and superiors and persuade others to agree with our ideas and point of view. Whether upwards or sideways within your own organisation, or with external clients or suppliers, there will be times when you want people to see things from your point of view. With every business challenge comes an opportunity to influence an outcome. Whether we need to convince clients to sign a contract, garner support for a proposal, or win new business in competitive bids, persuasive skills are the driving force that will help us accomplish our goals.

During this 90-minute workshop, participants would explore -

  • What do we find influential?
  • Understand the difference between influencing and persuading.
  • What comes in our way to influence people around?
  • Exploring the 9 Influencing tactics.
  • Developing your influencing strategy and further actions.